xxxx Project


Car-O is an exciting VR game that puts the player in the role of The Dad, whose goal is to bring their offspring safely to the kindergarten. As you navigate the city streets, you have to complete a variety of tasks - from fending off pesky bees to feeding the baby or brushing your teeth quickly. This "simulation game" is all about multitasking, trying things out and testing limits to unlock achievements and set a high score. The combination of the traffic situation and humorous tasks that can be completed on the way to nursery guarantee chaos and fun on every single journey.

Gameplay and Goal

The main gameplay of Car-O can be divided into two categories. On the one hand, the player has to find their way to the kindergarten in order to complete the game successfully. To do this, they can rely on the navigation system in the car to show them the best route. On the other hand, the player must complete various tasks inside the car. The objects required for this are scattered around the vehicle and can be used by the player at any time. However, so that the player knows which tasks need to be completed, this is also shown on a display. As soon as the player completes a task successfully or unsuccessfully, they receive corresponding feedback. At the end of the game, the player's score is displayed in the final score so that they can track their personal high score.

The goal of the game is therefore to achieve the highest possible score by completing various tasks. On the other hand, the player must complete the game by reaching the kindergarten.

To further motivate the player to try out different things in the car, there is the option of unlocking achievements.


As this is a VR game, the player is in the car from a first-person perspective and can look around by moving their head. To interact with objects, the player uses the controllers in their hands. The shoulder buttons or side buttons are used for most actions. The player can pick up objects and link them to others to complete a task.

The car is controlled by a steering wheel, with the vehicle driving along prefabricated lanes. The player can switch between these lanes and then turn in the appropriate direction at intersections. A deliberate decision was made not to allow the car to drive freely, as research has shown that a complete free ride could overwhelm the player.

Our Goal and Motivation

Our goal was to develop an interactive and exciting VR game with a sense of humor. We wanted to create an entertaining challenge where the player feels the consequences of their actions and is not just passively guided through a VR simulation.

Gameplay Screenshots

these are screenshots directly from our game

Behind the Scenes

this is a showcase of some of our assets

Scrapped Content

these are some assets and ideas that we had but had to discard due to time constraints


Developer Commentary




Anonyme Person

Character Modeling


2D Artist

3D Artist

Concept Art

Sina Anders Profile Picture
Sina Anders


3D Artist


Game Programmierung


Bernadette Erkinger Profile Picture
Bernadette Erkinger



2D Artist

3D Artist

Character Animation

Concept Art



Art Lead


Anonyme Person




Anonyme Person



Jan Michael Perne Profile Picture
Jan Michael Perne



Gregor JAKOB Profile Picture
Gregor JAKOB


3D Artist

Level Design

Stefan Wolf Profile Picture
Stefan Wolf




Audio Lead

Anonyme Person

Game Programmierung


Programming Lead

Code Lead

Nina Caroline Weixler Profile Picture
Nina Caroline Weixler


3D Artist
