xxxx Project

We bring clarity to the finances of your groups. We take care that even after a party the mood is good.

Quitt is especially helpful when you go on holidays with friends or you have shared expenses with your flatmates, partner, or family. Quitt offers an easy and convenient way to manage finances in groups. You just need on link to join a group.

Manage shared finances

Quitt makes it easier for you and your friends to manage the shared finances.

No installation needed

Thanks to the modern PWA technology, the app does not have to be installed.


Thanks to an anonymous user, unwanted registrations can be avoided.

Share your groups

You can easily share your groups with all members.


You can split expenses to different shares, e.g. you pay 66% and your partner pays 34%.

Automated Payment

Easily pay your debt by selecting the payment method provided by the lender. We support PayPal and IBAN.

Simply get Quitt!

This is more than a slogan. No prerequisites are needed to get Quitt up and running on your device. This means that no account and no installation are required. Just use the application as an anonymous user and easily share your groups for managing finances with all members. Why should you use Quitt? The answer is easy: Simply to get quitt. Manage shared finances in a group to get even with your friends. Join our community group to get a first impression of all the provided benefits:

Manage shared finances

Quitt makes it easier for you and your friends to manage the shared finances.

Different Shares

You can split expenses to different shares, e.g. you pay 66% and your partner pays 34%.

No installation needed

Thanks to the modern PWA technology, the app does not have to be installed.

Share your groups

You can easily share your groups with all members.


Thanks to an anonymous user, unwanted registrations can be avoided.

Automated Payment

Easily pay your debt by selecting the payment method provided by the lender. We support PayPal and IBAN.


We bring clarity to the finances of your groups. We take care that even after a party the mood is good. Quitt is especially helpful when you go on holidays with friends or you have shared expenses with your flatmates, partner, or family. Quitt offers an easy and convenient way to manage finances in groups. You just need on link to join a group.



Markus Ebner Profile Picture
Markus Ebner

Web Programmierung

Lukas Machetanz Profile Picture
Lukas Machetanz

Web Programmierung

Ronald Keinberger Profile Picture
Ronald Keinberger

Web Design

Web Programmierung